Affitto aule Corsi di formazione IBAW Sedi

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The information you requested is not available in English.

However, there is a brief outline of the wide variety of courses on offer at the Migros Club School in the English section (click on link below).

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Courses for companies

Employee development: a key factor for success

Success in the business world depends on having well-qualified employees. As professional development providers, we know that knowledge is a stable currency; it will be just as vital tomorrow as it is today. The courses offered by the Migros Club School are a valuable investment – they are key to maintaining a competitive edge. Help your employees reach new heights with tailor-made business courses or choose from our wide range of training options.

The Migros Club School delivers first-class education for large companies, SMEs, and public institutions in the following areas:

  • Languages
  • Management
  • Information technology
  • Occupational health management

We provide reliable and results-oriented support throughout the entire training process. The benefits:

  • Professional development from a single supplier 
  • Individual advice 
  • Customised training solutions 
  • Free choice of course location 
  • Experience and expertise

Find out more about our diverse range of courses! Book a personal appointment today!

+41 58 568 99 53
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