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The information you requested is not available in English.

However, there is a brief outline of the wide variety of courses on offer at the Migros Club School in the English section (click on link below).

Continue to the English section


Tap into your creative side

Learning a new language requires hard work and dedication. Fortunately, the Migros Club School has all a beginner needs to master the basics, build up vocabulary and explore the different cultures.

Creative courses for everyone

The Migros Club School offers a range of classes taught by qualified experts in a structured environment. Whether you’re a beginner, an enthusiast or simply interested in learning about a certain culture, our courses are designed to stimulate your creative mind or enhance your culinary skills.

Unleash your creative spirit

Browse through our selection of courses and find the right outlet for your creativity. Here are a few examples:

  • 3D printing
  • Accordion
  • Cake design
  • Cooking for senior citizens
  • Creative writing
  • Drawing and painting
  • Floristry
  • Guitar
  • Jewellery design
  • Oriental cuisine
  • Panpipes
  • Photography
  • Sewing
  • Wookworking
  • Yodelling
To all creative courses

One-to-one courses

One-to-one courses

Do you want to make headway at your own pace or for a specific goal? Our one-to-one courses could be just what you need. The tutor will work with you to quickly identify your strengths and weaknesses and tailor the course to your needs. 

If you have any questions about any of the courses on offer or need help choosing a course, please feel free to contact us.

One-to-one courses


Dive into a world full of inspiration with our Creativity Value Subscription. Discover a variety of courses and opportunities to nurture your inner artist and bring personal projects to life. Embark on your creative journey today and let our experts guide you.

To the creativity subscriptions
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